7th Anniversary

Our 7th Year Anniversary


New initiatives Situation from 27 Dec 2023
Unique Business Identifier

Company number currently allocated by CR to companies registered or incorporated in Hong Kong will be replaced by Business Registration number.

Revamped Integrated Companies Registry Information System

Online company search and electronic services currently offered by CR will be integrated into one system.

Phase 3 of New Inspection Regime

Data subjects (such as directors) can apply to CR for protecting from public inspection their Protected Information (namely residential address and full identification numbers) contained in documents already registered with CR – replacing such information with their correspondence addresses and partial identification numbers.

Frances Chan
3 October 2023

BVI requirement for filing of Annual Return with the BVI agent

The BVI Business Companies (Amendment) Act, 2022 introduced a new requirement for BVI companies (other than listed companies, regulated entities and BVI taxpayers) to file annual return with their registered agent for each financial year within 9 months following the end of the financial year to which it relates.

Template of the annual return was given in the BVI Business Companies (Financial Return) Order, 2023. Filing deadline of the first annual return falls on 30 September 2024 the earliest.

Registered agents would report non-filing of annual return. The BVI company will also be subject to penalty for failure to file annual return; and may (in certain situation) be struck off the Register of Companies.

Frances Chan
3 July 2023

Appointment Annoucement (01-Nov-2022)

We are pleased to announce that the following two senior personnel have recently joined our Corporate Accounting and Payroll Outsourcing team (“Team”):